Friday, March 27, 2009


Before i talk more.. watch this video first..

It all started in 1 City

It will now continue with 1 World

And the next Vid is the publicity video for this Global Event...

So remember people
28th March 2009
8.30pm to 9.30pm

Switch your lights off..

And if you're serious about this movement... JUST SWITCH YOUR SWITCHES OFF WHENEVER YOU DON'T NEED TO USE IT!!

cause if you're only doing it for just that ONE HOUR, you ARE helping..but just that ONE PATHETIC HOUR!! do not do it just cause your friends are doing it

thats just weak..

DO IT cause you WANT to...not cause you have to ok?


So i guess i'll be strolling my neighbourhood park for that time period tomoro.

Anyone keen to join me?

The KoL was answered


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

For being lazy

This is what you readers get for now... XD

The KoL was answered


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back home..

Got my 8GB thumbdrive back..

Without the cap...

Hopefully the person i borrowed it to will be able to find it and return to me

If not i'll just sigh.....longer....

The KoL was answered


Thursday, March 12, 2009

If Someone is so Kind..

Today, MC and I went to Suntec for....

BodyShop sale and IT Show 2009.

freaking crowded with people and i have this thing about crowd...SCREW YOU!!!

but sadly, by mentioning that i am literally screwing myself. [sorry for being so blunt]

cause as it seems, i AM part of the crowd. Right?


*takes tool box*
*searches for tool*
*finds tool*


so anyhow.... BodyShop sale was at 11am. So we waiting in line [damn long queue].

And because all the women are gaga over BodyShop items, i think they all should be labelled as Lady GaGa.

So it was crowded and i told MC to be quick and faster decide what she want to get.

MC bought quite a few things and because its rather costly [for her wallet], i have come to a conclusion that as a BF [a good one] i have decided to sponsor half of it.

and the 'quickie' was so fast that the IT Show [at 12noon] was not open yet. So off to Carls Jr. for a 'biggie'.

2 places visited. 50 Yusof Ishaks drank red bull, giving them wings, and flew away.


And back to IT Show and WAH LAO EH SO MANY PEOPLE!!!

So for those people that want to go?? Please do not. Ask me what you want and i can tell you if you should get or not.

I have walked the whole place already so just tell me and it'll be better off then walking with people like bumper cars.

For Men: The M1 girls are wearing cute outfit. You can head there. Also remember to check out camera booths. got girls dressed skankily.

For Women with Man: keep an eye on them. best is to look for hunky guys on your own. If you're asking me where have? i have no idea because i don't dig men.

For Women with no Man: Ask me for what you want. Don't go. Its safer. Some Uncles are happily playing bumper cars. Beware.

So thats about it. =D


After Suntec and its hoards of people, back to Tampines for some rest before...

BADMINTON!! at 4pm. With MC and her poly friend, Sun Mei

played til 5pm. My thigh hurts. pulled it. argh.

i think i lunged too much without proper warm up.

Dinner afterwards ==> shower at MC's place ==> put nose pack ==> applied cream mask ==> went supermarket get ingredients ==> tiramisu ==> home

Thats about it. what a tiring day.


Now only 1 thing left..

Who's willing to carrass my thigh for me?? *hur hur hur* =D

The KoL was answered


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Worn down

I shall keep this short.

I'm worn out. 4 long days all crapped into what is probably meant for 4 weeks.

This accumulates to stress. With both internal and external factors adding towards it.

My gosh this is starting to sound like one of my damn projects.

OK THATS IT!! time to sleep...


Now all i have to do is put up the proper referencing. -.-'

The KoL was answered


Sunday, March 8, 2009

To What Extend?

It amazing how a simple phone call can show so much of me.

How it put me in perspective and it made me realise what a terrible 'Partner' i am.

Kicking the habit of being lazy is hard. Not to mention that i have to do this alone.

It shall end.

This shall be my gentle reminder online before the possible harsh news in my face.


I am truly sorry Dear. =C

You shall see a better day.

The KoL was answered


Friday, March 6, 2009

What a Dis..

I ruined a simple dinner that MC worked so hard to make for me.

Letdown after letdown.

Woe is Me.

Woe is Her.

The KoL was answered


Monday, March 2, 2009

50 Already?

Other then just kissing your newly found partner away, Here are several Things you probably didn't know about Kissing

A kiss is a blast of information that you are sending out and information that you are receiving. Basically it's a mate asessment tool.

It is built to pick up the most sensitive feelings - tastes, smells, and touch and temperature.

And when you kiss somebody, you can really hear them and see them and feel them.

So kissing is not just kissing. It is a profound advertisement of who you are what you want and what you can give.

Therefore, what happens during that first kiss can be a make-or-break proposition.

So you are wondering what kissing do? Well its simply an exchange of testosterone - which can help trigger the sex drive. If its exciting and novel, it's likely to drive up dopamine (romantic love)

It will then drive up oxytocin in long-term partners. (aka trigger attachment system) (simply put, relationship lasts longer)


So how true is this??

A survey of 1,041 people found that 59% of men and 66% of women reported at least once finding someone attractive only to discover AFTER the FIRST kiss that they were no longer interested.



And here are 10 Things that you most likely do not know BUT should know about Kissing.

1. About two-thirds of all humans, male and female, tilt their heads to the right when kissing. It does not matter whether they are left- or right-handed.

2. Men think that kissing is a highly effective way to end a fight. Woman think that is hooey [aka BS]. For once, the women are incorrect. =D [meaning that it does help]

3. Remember those great standing kisses in old movies, where the girl demonstrates ecstasy by lifting her leg behind her? That move is called "Foot Pop".

4. More men than women describe a good kiss as one that involves tongue contact. saliva exchange and moaning.

5. After a relationship is established, women are much more likely than men to use kissing to monitor a commitment. The frequency of kissing is a pretty good barometer [gauge] of the status of a relationship.

6. The science of kissing is known as philematology

7. Kissing is implicated in the spread of mononucleosis and oral herpes. The connection to meningitis and fastric ulcers is more distant but exist.

8. The hormonal and neurotransmitter cascade triggered bt kissing includes adrenaline (which increases heart rate), endorphins (makes you feel good), oxytocin (helps development attachment), serotonin (affects mood) and dopamine (helps the brain process emotions).

9. When kissing, cortisol levels drop for both sexes, meaning that kissing does in fact help to reduce stress.

10. Very few creatures other than humans are great kissers. The marked exceptions are our close relatives the chimpanzees. Chimps, in fact, engage in kissing and making up after conflict.


Due to the fact that the 1st Kiss can tell so much, i guess 'Love at First Kiss' is a better term than 'Love at First Sight'


And this is my 50th Post! =D

The KoL was answered


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Therefore posting a video =D

If you like the music, just leave a tag and i'll send it to you..

The KoL was answered


The KoL-ing

The Kol-ing.
It is time
It is KoL-ing out to you
Heed the KoL-ing
Feel it.Breathe it.Smell it
Embrace it
And no matter what happens
Pls answer the KoL

Eat my Twit

Follow KoL on Twitter



KoL say:

4 is 4, 10 is 10
14 is 14, 40 is 40
44 is 44
at 44 one of the stone lions died


To be updated in time to come



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